About Us

Our goal is to offer products which are produced in a manner consistent with quality of life for you, for us, for our animals and for our land! As such, our simple mission statement, 'Restoring All Things' has come from a heart to see every aspect of life function in the manner it was created.  

For you, that means having access to products that will heal and restore your body…many of which sadly are not available in stores. It also means you are restoring and encouraging relationships in small communities, wherever you happen to be planted. So thank you!

For us, that means we will never be a factory farm. We take care with everything produced on our little farm because we care about your well-being. Restoration for us also means that we balance (as best as we’re able!) life and work so that every day is one for which we are thankful!

For our animals, it means having access to a low stress environment that includes sunshine, a balanced diet of pasture, hay, non-gmo grains, minerals and a normal social structure free from overcrowding.

And for our land, it means restoring the microbiome of the soil by using rotational grazing methods with multiple legume and grass species that create a harmonious ecosystem.  

I understand that you are busy, and maybe even like me: a working single parent who believes that the products we use and consume have a huge impact on our own health and the environment around us. Making use of farm fresh products is one way I know that I've done the best for my family!  I would love to help you restore or optimize health in your own body. Join our community of people who are sharing their stories of walking in freedom and healing through confident product choices! We would love to share monthly farm updates, stories, “how to’s” and our guide…

Farm Fresh Milk: 10 steps to protect you and your family